
Today's the day ……………………. to compete

There's a new supermarket here in town - which opened this week.

It's been a year in the making since they bought the old Kendal Rugby Club ground and started working on it.  The site is massive with a huge car park and petrol station.  It even has its very own set of traffic lights to control entry and exit off the main road through Kendal.

For us going there today, it was slightly disorientating - because it looked exactly like the one at Craigleith in Edinburgh, where my Mum and Dad lived.  And just for a minute, it was easy to think that somehow we had been transported to Edinburgh.  I daresay though that all their shops are built to the same specification!

Anyway, the enormous car park was full of cars - and the shop itself was full of people walking about, perfectly relaxed as if they had been shopping there for years.  It made us wonder where they'd all come from - and whether all the other Kendal supermarkets where they would normally have gone, were just twiddling their thumbs waiting for customers to turn up?

One thing is for sure - a new supermarket in town cannot be good news for everybody …………………...

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