Multiple Sycamore

I like the way that multiple exposures lend an air of mystery to an image. Or at least, I think they do. I was attracted by these sycamore leaves turning red. Autumn may have arrived early but at least the trees still carry a lot of leaves.

Basil and I were returning from church which held a pet service in conjunction with Harvest Festival. The church was decorated, but most of the goods in front of the altar seemed to have been borrowed from the foodbank,, wrapped in cellophane, rather than gleaned from the fields.  For an authentic contrast, see this harvest festival scene in Morocco 2-3 weeks ago. 

Basil was blessed and I even took communion. It was a happy clapping sort of service with children running noisily all over the church. The children did also contribute significantly to the service, singing, listening to the Youth Worker reading a story, and collecting alms. I confess to much preferring the old style liturgy. It all seemed to have been dumbed down.

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