Definitely an E.B.
We were in tidying up mode this afternoon. I'd offered to shred some old documents no longer needed so was rummaging around in one of our storage boxes for the shredder when I noticed it was wet. Funny, why should that be? I emptied the box to find the bottom sodden, lifting it away I found the carpet wet and mouldy. Yuck.
The culprit had to be the shower and what was going to be a relatively simple task has now resulted in a full blown re-grouting and re-sealing of the shower cubicle.
Preparation work went on for a while and we are now waiting for the damp areas to dry out, before starting the remedial work. We'll also need to make sure the mould is treated before any sealant work starts.
So you have an E.B. from one of the other containers found in the storage box. We've acquired lots of electronic devices over the years and these are just a few of the cables that were needed and are inevitably kept, just in case. If your anything like me you can never find the cable you need when connecting two devices together. Well after finding this box of cable again, I don't think I have any excuse.
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