The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Oh Dahling

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

We had a very chilled Sunday. This morning Eldest Mini Princess and I were taking about accents and she told me that she and some friends in her music class were arguing about whether the correct pronunciation is sta-cca-to and le-ga-to or sta-cahhh-to and le-gahhh-to.

I laughed and told her that was possibly the most middle class thing I have ever heard. I’m pretty sure the kind of arguments I had at that age were about whether it was cooler to wear luminous yellow or green leg warmers (I also had matching wristbands).

We went to visit The Explorer, Boots, Diego and Alicia. We all lounged about there playing Kahoot and drinking tea. Boots, who was suffering from a severe attack of wine flu, nodded off and started snoring spectacularly loudly. There is something pant-wettingly funny about someone snoring in public during an accidental doze. Particularly when Alicia started balancing random objects on him. It was like a human version of Buckaroo!


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