What to have?

Well unfortunately last night was the last time I actually sat and wrote up what we did that day......and now I'm catching up...in October!....so it might not be as detailed!

Picked up the bus again outside our campsite and rode to St Just. We have discovered that the later in the day the later the bus runs! It's time table doesn't seem to take into consideration that the traffic increases during the day!! Anyway, after waiting almost an hour (and enjoying the company of other campers waiting and wondering if we'd all got the time wrong!) we did board the bus and arrived in St Just in time for lunch!
Found a really friendly cafe and found it hard to leave!
However, we did.....walking out toward the coast where we picked up the coastal path and walked back to our campsite.
Today we saw Cape Cornwall and thought it was much nicer than Land's End! There is a monument there gifted by Mr Heinz (of the baked bean variety) himself!
It was a beautiful warm sunny day. :)

While doing the dishes this evening we got talking to the other couple doing their dishes at the same time. It turns out they are from Skipton too and she recognised me from having Jewelz!
It's a small world!

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