
Today's forecast was not good (and it looked like it would be accurate!) so we went to a sculpture garden near Penzance. I had seen the brochure in the information at the camp site and thought it could be interesting ... and they welcomed dogs :) so I kept it to hand.
We loved it! It was grey the whole time with moisture in the air but it didn't stop us enjoying the quirky gardens and clever sculptures.
After seeing all, we sat in the cafe under the canopy and enjoyed a very delicious 'cream' tea. We had one scone with onion marmalade and cheese and one scone with blackberry jam and clotted cream each. Mmmmm.
While sitting there we watched the cloud descend till we were in it! And there we remained the rest of the night. When we got back to the campsite we really couldn't see anything. Even the lights on the car barrier only gave a small glow!

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