
We met up with Serpentine Robs sister in the village of Zeals, just over the border into Wiltshire, it was nice driving up through north Dorset.

Zeals is where Robs Mothers family came from, so lots of family history in the area.
Rob and Terry have been on the computer delving into old records and family trees, so it was interesting for him to go to the church where some of his ancestors are buried.

We enjoyed a pub lunch, then went just up the road to Stourhead, now in the hands of The National Trust, a huge house and landscaped valley, with magnificent lakes and trees, vistas of monumental buildings and footpaths galore.

This is the last snap of the day, just as I walked out of the gates, last one on the card and two people waiting for me to catch up!!
A view across the big lake, and the bridge more of a feature than actually going anywhere.
Truly worth a visit.
Still grey skies but at least the rain which was forecast held off.

Sorry Rainie didn't see your hat!!

Thanks B

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