
By tookie

Blue Moon

I saw a blue moon
If only in my mind's eye
My heart plays the blues

It was 3am in Pennsylvania....but midnight Pacific time ....when my niece of only 36 years lost her battle with pancreatic cancer...a battle that lasted five short years....a struggle with a form of cancer usually taking a life in a much shorter time.  She leaves four young children and a husband....Her mother had been helping taking care of the family for a long my sister in law will be taking on even more....her heart is broken too...we all will miss dear sweet Adriane.  Her smile radiated her lively spirit to all around her.  Our family is very saddened by her life being taken way too young.  Far far too many lives we've known and loved have passed away these past few months.  This is one of the saddest and hardest.

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