Abstract Thursday

Nate & I were up & out early, I wandered around a lot whilst he snoozed...good to bump into all sorts of folk & watch Ibiza Town wake up. Good to see Soli from Sa Penya too.
Danny whisked Nate away mid morning...he had an appointment at the police station to get Nate's residency card. It's been weeks of work for Danny, obtaining various documents, to-ing and fro-ing between lots of different offices etc... Anyway today all of Danny's hard work paid off, and Nate became an official Ibiza resident! Hooray!

Drama of the day;
Mid afternoon we heard a waterfall coming from the kitchen in the holiday house!! Water was flowing from under the sink, over the balcony & down into Lozz's room below!! It looked like an explosion of water from behind the boiler! Unfortunately there were no emergency contact numbers for the housekeepers, and my cousin who has their number wasn't picking up his phone! After about half an hour of searching for the stop cock, calling Lozz, & my Dad desperately trying to sweep water away from the bedroom, I got hold of the housekeepers number! Phew! The stop cock was out in the street! Anyway, a plumber has since been and half sorted the problem. Was a touch dramatic for a while though!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A wander around the shops with my Mom.
2) All Danny's hard wok in sorting out Nate's paperwork.
3) Friends offering to come up to the house to see if they could help out with Watergate.

The blip is a little detail from the house - love the colours!
Also blipped for yesterday!
Also also, Nate's 6 months old today - where on earth has that time gone?!

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