And there it was ~ ~ ~
Indicative of how much impression it made - I can not, for the life of me, remember what it was called.
"They" took over an existing emporium of some sort, which I can't remember either, destroyed the existing toilets which were there, and built this; causing the erection of" temporary" toilets elsewhere in "The lanes".
I, similarly, can't remember how many nanoseconds it was there for, but I'll bet they don't rub it out and re-draw the Toilets. :¬(
Extra - one of us is colour blind?
Spotted on a recent shop down town and, being one who will try almost anything once (Witness the Kale crisps).
I have to report, it was far from unpleasant, but I'm pleased it was labelled, and had a head. Had I seen it otherwise I'd have wondered just exactly what it was. ;¬)
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Came back, to remind myself that this was taken at ground level and this is the result of a "level" and crop.
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