Carolina's journal

By Carolina

Biosphere 2

Joe and I went to the Biosphere 2 today which is located East of Tuscan AZ.    about an hour from the kid's house.   A pretty cool place.  We bought tickets through Groupon and only paid 28 dollars for 2 tickets.   They chose 8 people to live in this closed environment for 2 years and 20 minutes I believe.  One of the gals who was there for that time wrote a book called the Human Experiment by Jane Poynter.  I am going to see if I can get it from the library here.      I appreciate all the feed back and the stars and favs!    love you all!   will put a few in the extras.  The one really tall tower is the Library.  Apparently it was hardly used because it was so high up. People had a low calorie diet and long days so it took a bit more energy than they wanted to expend to get up there.  I was hoping to go up there, but it's closed to the public.   

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