Vital Sparks

By VitalSparks

Low tide

We like it here - the place is alive.

A wonderful street of independent shops. No empty shops here.

Apparently there is the 'threat' of a large CO-OP being built on the edge of town - there are already two small supermarkets why would it be needed?

A real working fishing port where the boats race into the quay at high tide bringing everything for Lobsters to Crabs and Whelks.

We could have gone somewhere else today but went back down beach road to watch the tide turn and all the birds wake from their afternoon nap.

Birdwatching highlights included around 600 Golden Plover flying overhead with a solitary Sandwich tern fishing on the incoming tide. Special treat Twite - lovely little brown birds that everyone was walking past without noticing.

We met a lot of people today who were actually enjoying looking at the birds - not a twitch between them :-)

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