
The studio door hasn't yet been opened for you to go into dance class but you realllly want to get dancing. Even if it involves standing at the entrance of a busy room of people!

Long day. She got up at 5.30 and did some drawing. A quick piano practice. Out by 8.30 for band. Straight from band to dancing til 3.30. Home at 415 via the chip shop. We attempted clarinet but it was a disaster. She went to bed early in the end, bless her.

In other news, the tooth that has been giving her grief and refused to come out did in fact come out during break at band. She failed to realise until she tried to play her clarinet and spotted it had gone!

PS don't view large. In fact, best not to even view this on a computer. It's a screenshot from a time lapse video. It's terrible quality. But I like the edit.

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