Tarawera Times

By Megl


I was so inspired by Rainie's daisy yesterday that I wanted to have a play as well, and today was a perfect day for playing with the rain falling and the fire going.
The good old hellebore found in a neighbour's garden was perfect and I had so much fun trying out different double exposures in camera, most of which went in the recycle bin. I really think we need Rainie to give some workshop's, but this was the best of my attempts. Doesn't have the subtlety though.
Thanks for all the comments and stars, have been a bit sidetracked with visitors. Ian's Mum, Heatherbelle, who is almost 91 is staying with us at the moment. We do enjoy having her and it is a good chance to spend time chatting with her and turning a blind eye on the chores.... any excuse is good for me!

A little later .... just had to include the delicacy we are having for dinner, with huge thanks to Grandson Cody. Kiwi's will recognise what they are but for the uninitiated, these are whitebait, a tiny fish that are caught at this time of the year in rivers around our country. They really are sought after and can fetch $30/500gr. Cody loves fishing for them and he brought some frozen whitebait for us last weekend. Heard he had an excellent day yesterday and managed to net 20 kg's.
I will make them into fritters for dinner tonight, served with fresh lemon juice. Mmmmm!

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