My life, my lens

By JennyRampling

Coffee morning

I've had a number of friends and family who have been affected by cancer including my uncle Brian who passed away earlier this year. My family were therefore very keen to support the World's Biggest Coffee Morning that Macmillan Cancer run. We were up early this morning to set-up tents and tables and chairs on the village green. It wasn't long before a procession of cakes arrived from other families in the village and soon the event started. We were overrun with people all keen to have a coffee and a cake. We also had the village primary school choir come down to sing. It was hard work as we didn't stop all morning but we raised almost £600 which was fantastic.

After a quick lunch we packed up the campervan and drove to Dulwich. While we had been really lucky with sunshine this morning the weather had taken a turn for the worse and by the time we arrived at the campsite we had torrential rain. Pete, Julia and Debbie had already got their tent up and my folks and brother helped with getting ours up before they headed home. It wasn't long before the rest of the gang turned up and our little camping community was in full swing. The rain soon stopped and the BBQ's were lit ready to cook up a storm. Great food and great company is the perfect way to start the weekend.

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