
Very dark, dull weather, but I did go down to the Nature Reserve Observation Room.  It was packed  -  I'd forgotten it was Sunday  - as was the Hide!  I stayed long enough to take a shot of the Kingfisher  -  it doesn't look as good as it does when the sun shines on its feathers, but handsome nevertheless.  My extra shows a rabbit that was feeding just below the Observation Room.  You can see by the red around his eyes that he has Myxomatosis.  When I reported it to the Rangers they said they knew of it, and had been trying to catch the rabbit. I thought that was a bit weak  -  I would have thought it a matter of urgency.  A couple of people and a big net would have been no problem  -  especially as the rabbit wasn't all that active on account of his suffering.  As a gamekeeper's daughter I know about rabbits and Myxomatosis  -  although it is commonly thought humans can't get it I did know a man who contracted the disease from rabbits and his face was a real mess. This URL has some info about rabbits and the disease!

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