Sunshine on Hoy Low (Day 886)

As I wandered up the hill this morning with the woofers, showers swept round us. The weather looked to be set in for another murky day, but I hoped for better.
I spent a while sorting out some stuff in the house whilst waiting for my latest carving commission (see extra) to be collected. The customer arrived and seemed to be fairly pleased with the carving. He zoomed off to take it to its new home just before my beautiful wife arrived home from work and hossing.
The weather improved as we had lunch and we headed across to Stromness for a wander along the shore. It was SUNNY! Wonders will never cease! It was really lovely having a walk in the warmth of the sunshine at long last. I liked the patch of sunshine on Hoy Low lighthouse which is on the western end of the Graemsay.
Today has been a much better day.

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