Double Shot Mummy


Maple Violet meets Nanny and Pop Sweetman

At 9 weeks old, Stu's parents met Maple. They flew from NZ and taxied to our apartment in Dubai, arriving mid morning looking a bit hot and sweaty! Coming extreme long haul to a country at least 20 degrees hotter than you have come from takes a bit of easing into!

The first words were "She is a bonny girl!" It brings me back to June 2010 when they met Oscar and Bailee at 6 weeks old and they were still less than 5lbs. In their words Bailee in particular was "Too tiny" and "Very fragile".

What a contrast between the two first meetings. In 2010 meeting our first very small and premature twins at night time in our little flat in the UK. Then today meeting our third although premature, chunky baby in our huge apartment in stinking hot Dubai.

One thing that hasn't changed is how proud we are of all of our babies, and the look of delight on the grandparents faces to see them!

Photo courtesy of Pop P himself!

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