Lady(?) Of Mystery

Nobody seems to know much about our mysterious visitor.  She/He rarely leaves a certain spot and seems to be quite happy hanging out with the mallards, never quite getting close enough for a positive ID.  

Our temperatures have cooled off dramatically and there's been some much-needed rain.   That's the good news.  The bad news is that our apartment management has declared that bird feeders are to be taken down because they supposedly draw rats & mice.  I get it.  I know rodents can do a lot of damage and I understand.  We can still put hummingbird feeders up so that helps.  This is when it becomes so depressing that I have ended up living not in my very own house where I can do what I want, but in an apartment where I can't.  I thought of proposing to the management that I put my feeder out at 10 AM and bring it in at 5 PM since any rodent would probably not be around until after dark but I have a funny feeling the answer would be no.   With all the tragedy of the hurricanes, the shootings, the floods, the fires and all the suffering of people across the country, it's stunning how much joy little birds can bring.  I'll miss them.   

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