Okay, Where's The Bird Seed?

The little guys aren't giving up.  I think they have faith that the food will reappear despite the recent ban on bird feeders.  I can't stand to watch them through the door looking for the feeder that used to be there.  I've been putting food in various corners of the porch and in some of the flower pots and the birds been successful in finding it.  However, I just learned that it was my upstairs neighbors who complained when they saw a rat on their deck which means he probably ran up my bird feeder to get there.  So, that's the reason for no more bird feeder.  Continuing to feed them whatever way I can will require some stealth on my part since their dining room window looks down on my back deck and I'm sure if they see me spreading bird seed around they's squeal on me.  This is going to take some serious thinking but the little guys are counting on me so I'll figure something out.  Or move.   

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