Arslanabob market and walk

After breakfast of rice pudding and dry bread with butter, we set off for a long drive to Arslanabob - previously groups stayed here but it was a bit of a frontier place and people got robbed in the only B and B, hence our stay in Jalal Abad.

We Stopped at a memorial to the ethnic conflict of 2010, - a mother protecting her child, faces hidden so it could be from either group, Uzbeks or Kyrghiz. Some bits of the road had washed out off into the river below.

We divided into "strong walkers" on a 3 hours walk or what Olga termed "lazy" walkers who did a short walk to a waterfall. But first we had to negotiate the market. Lots of interesting faces and stuff. Had the delight of paying 5 som for a toilet which was 3 triangles in the floor with piles of poo where people had missed.

Headed up hill with Abdul our local guide while Olga took the others. A steep ascent on a goat track with some eroded bits and steep drops. Reached a viewpoint of mountains still with snow then headed up round back of hill into walnut woods and undulated round, seeing women and kids picking walnuts from ground. Lunch stop in woods. They have to camp out from 1 Sept in sections to stake their claim. A 3 hour walk then down steep dirt and small slippy stones to waterfall. Quick photo then got a pick up van for a lift back down stoney rubbly street to the bus.

Back to Jalalabad and supermarket then quick turnaround and shower to get out for 7pm. Bus to same family for food as before. Salad, then plov- the meat one minus meat was good - a kind of pilau rice with chickpeas, whereas veggie one was boiled rice and potatoes. We had a farewell speech for Olga as tomorrow we are off to Uzbekistan where we'll meet our new guide over the border.

This old man was very proud of his badge, some kind of order of Lenin.

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