Life Savors

By osuzanna


My husband said that he had read that the hiking trail was easy, so off we went to the Mary Jane Falls trail at Mt. Charleston.  Well, in fact, it was quite strenuous, at least for us, and involved a 2.5-mile trek out and back with an elevation gain of almost 1500 feet.  The elevation gain in itself wouldn’t have been so bad but we started at about 7500 feet so already the air was thinner than we are used to. 

There were 12 switchbacks up the side of the mountain and a trail along the edge of a cliff to a waterfall that I am sure in Spring is quite full but had only a little flow this time of year.  After all, this is Nevada.

It was amazing to leave the desert of Las Vegas and 30 minutes later arrive in mountainous country with tall Ponderosa Pines and Aspens with their bright yellow fall foliage. This shot was taken at the top of the trail (at about 9000 ft) and looks across to Mt. Charleston which is 11,916 feet.  As you can see, we were almost above the timberline.  

We were a couple of sad sacks by the time we got to the car and had some very sore feet and jelly legs. 

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