Red Flash

By RedFlash

Counting Down

Day 340

I like to be prepared. I don't like surprises in life

I am working on the run up to my 365th day

All day long I have looked at anything with numbers on:
Adverts with telephone number
Taxi numbers
Boris Bike numbers
Car registrations
Numbers of flats in the Barbican
I was going to make numbers out of roll out icing
I couldn't spot any Airbus 340
Or a Volvo 340


I am introducing you to my first blip camera - a Sony DSC W370. Photo Mouse has an identical one

A friend suggested it and its small size made it easy to carry around and you all loved the panoramic setting once I got the hang of the waistline twist - first one

It was used for the majority of my blips from Day 1 to the beginning of January 2012 when a colleague gave me his camera. I'll introduce you to that one for my 350th

Go large to look at Photo Mouses camera

The thing that made me smile:

Playing with Photo Mouse and the numbers

The thing that didn't made me smile:

I had hoped to meet up with Diver Driver today but I was just too busy at work. I am so sorry

Exercise: Walked across London. Exercised my lungs singing at choir practice

PS Mr F's tasks are all outstanding

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