Red Flash

By RedFlash

Men at Work

...down under

The clip made me smile

Spent so long last night playing with PhotoMouse, that I left my memory card in the PC.

Luckily I remembered that I was carrying a spare but it rather put me off my swing of taking photos and also the weather was crap grey.

But as I left work (hurray) these guys were washing the road by the entrance to this building site. It seemed to take rather alot of them. I hid round the corner so that they couldn't see me.

Go large to see the water jet

The things that made me smile:
As I expected, you rather like PhotoMouse and he has hit the Spotlight. Someone has suggested that he has his own journal. I'll try to include him occasionally

And as I was getting ready this morning and singing in the bathroom, quietly, as the kids were still asleep, the birds outside were joining in. They were significantly better than I but they have probably had mpre practice.

Exercise: Walked across London. As I do that everyone day (as long as it is not pouring) I'm not sure that it really counts!!!

PS Mr F has fitted the replacement part for the dishwasher and it still isn't working, so now I need to find a professional fixer.

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