Let There Be Light

By solli

Happy Rainy Day Surprise

I was upstairs sorting through the laundry this morning when I heard the beautiful song of something sweet trilling in my backyard.

Ohh, what could that be? I lifted up the window blind and came eye to eye with a red bellied woodpecker who was clinging to my roof looking as stunned as I was.

"Hello there baby." She gazed at me with her lovely rounds for about two seconds and I flew down the stairs. I hurried to reposition the feeders, put out the woodpecker suet and set up the camera!

After a respectable time elapsed, she returned to check the seed but being stealthy she surprised me once again, and I wasn't quite ready to focus down properly.

My Sigma super duper arrived (another happy surprise) so I plan to give it the test tomorrow.

Pleasant dreams everyone!

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