Family Dog

By Family_Dog

bloody eggs

These things get EVERYWHERE. Of all of his toys, these are Arlo's favourite. As soon as they come out of the play bag he starts giggling. He sits with his wee chubby hands on his wee chubby legs watching me pull out toy after toy and then out pop the eggs and he starts to chuckle.

He lifts all the shells off the tops and then throws them as far as he can (have you ever seen a baby chuck things, it's very funny - they go in all random directions rather quickly, including immediately behind him) and then flops onto his tummy, commando crawls to wherever they're spinning on the floor and then pings them and around and around and around until he remembers that he also LOVES the door and goes off to curl himself around it and laugh as you try to get in from the kitchen without hurting him.

Things are great with him right now - but he's into everything. And today, he discovered there is a world outside the livingroom. I didn't discover this until I nearly stood on his hand in the kitchen, but it was pretty cool all the same.

And, as he went off to bed with his daddy - he waved to me! So much going on - by Sunday he's going to be making his own breakfast!

A very productive week was had this week - looking for a job is hard work, but I feel pretty positive about it too. I've got a few things out there and an interview booked in for next week. And now for a piece of blatant self promotion:

If you know of anybody looking for a PT project manager/administrator/account handler who is wonderful and marvellous and loyal and hard working and always wears really great shoes - then can you PLEASE let me know. (Edinburgh please)

Ta. Have lovely weekends.

(P.s - still off the booze. Amazing, no?!)

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