Drying Out.

Met Elaine yesterday, had a lovely lunch in our favourite veggie cafe in Skipton.
Then it rained in biblical proportions and Mr P kindly drove over to pick us up.
Having told my friend about the farm shop we decided to make a detour home and call in for a coffee and a look round.
Even though l had bought a lot the day before l sill managed to fill another basket, mostly because Tim and family are coming over on Saturday until Sunday.
Will be great to see him, Adele and our grandsons as we had been planning to go to Wales today until we saw that Storm Brian will be battering the coast there tomorrow.
Will get over to pack up the caravan in the next few days.
After our coffee we came back to ours and in the evening had a bottle of red with the cheese and nibbles l'd bought the day before.
We listened to some of our favourite music on Spotify and had a good talk about when Elaine and l worked together in the late sixties when we were teenagers.
Made Mr P laugh when we recalled some of the things we got up to which he hadn't heard before.
Much later Mr P and l took Elaine home, him driving as he hadn't' drunk any of the wine, we certainly did though.
Stiil raining heavily on the journey, local flooding in places.
Sun out this morning so the violas have a chance to dry out.
Cinema in Ilkley this evening, finally using the vouchers Mr P was given in March!
Thank you Anni for continually hosting Flower Friday

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