
By Fido

Eleven Years

On the 29th of September 2011 on a fairly wet and dreich day I married my handsome, kind, funny, clever, generous, thoughtful and lovely husband, Iain.

Eleven years later, after (amongst many things of course) three house moves, the birth of two gorgeous sons, the formation and sale of a company, the purchase of seven bikes and plenty macaroons, we celebrated with our boys and some milkshakes in the NorthPoint cafe in St Andrews.

This is not the best photograph of today (I took some gorgeous shots down on the rocky beach at Cellardyke this morning and some lovely photos of Rosi and Mike who will from now on share the same wedding anniversary as us, as well as some dramatic pictures of the cathedral at St Andrews against the darkening sky), but, well today is about celebrating Iain and I and eleven fantastic years.

To the next eleven! I wonder how many bikes will my lovely husband have bought by 2023??

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