Cumbria Here I Come

By marpaul

A lovely walk at Crummock Water this morning.  The colours are starting to look really good.  Lots of people and dogs about so Misty had lots of playtime.  Here's the same view from three weeks ago when the colours were just starting to change.  A couple of others in extras.

Had an interesting encounter on the way home.  Some cows were being led along the road so pulled over to let them go by.  Just as they were going past me they turned back and surrounded my car, yikes!  The last time that happened many years ago I had a lot of damage to my car and it was very scary.  Anyhow a cow in front with its back to me all of a sudden poo'd and yes you've guessed it, splattered all over my bonnet!!  They eventually went and apparently what spooked them was the passenger in the car behind (left hand drive) who stuck her camera out the window to take a photo of them as they were about to pass!!! 

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