
By RaceyTrace333

Another Busy Lizzy

Today I have not felt too well, have currenlty got a stinking headache!

Took this on my snappy Canon, not doing too well with this camera, do not like point and click cameras anymore!

Last night after I blipped I made myself some pancakes with banana and maple syrup! They were lovely if I say so myself.

I will be off to bed shortly, to try and sleep off the lurgy I have, and hopefully feel better in the morning. Although got to be early, as trying to work UK time as well. Bit of a nightmare, still nearly the weekend.

I will try and comment on as many of your blips as I can, but want to be in bed by 8pm, which is 1am your time.

P.S. You will be pleased to know been wet on and off here today, only advantage it is still lovely and warm.

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