
By RaceyTrace333

Storm Rolling In.......

Today has been gorgeous 92°, paying for it nine as storm rolling in fast. This is the sign for the read I am in Indigo Drive, you can see storm clouds behind.

Learning lots if American driving tips:
1) lights must be in when raining
2) you can turn right if clear, when light us on red
3) you can go on red flashing light with caution, but you must stop first
4) you can go on flashing amber with caution
5) stick to speed limit, sheriffs everywhere
6) must stop at stop sign, first driver there has right of way on some junction

You have to eyes everywhere, as you can do u turns on main highways. Still getting there, had a blip at junction the other night, fortunately no contact.

As I type the rain is lashing down, and banging around like crazy. I won't be sscarred of storms in UK anymore!

Friday tomorrow, which means i am already through a third of my stay and 6 weeks to go!

I could kill a roast dinner! Hope someone cooks me one the Sunday I return. mainly eating salads which are nice they have a lot of fruit in them. Started to make my own, salads will never be the same in my house now.

I dosed myself up last night with night nurse and felt a lot better this morning. Still keeping myself dosed up as colleagues are still rough and on antibiotics. Last time the docs out here cost me $200's so nt keen to make another visit.

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