A bit of a teaser

I'm overwhelmed by all the congratulations and compliments I received on the 750 blipversary yesterday. I'd actually forgotten about it although I'd noticed it was coming up.
I'm trying to get round to everyone to thank them individually but if I haven't reached you yet please share in a very big mass hug of bashful gratitude.

750* consecutive blips is extraordinary but how to put a stop to this ridiculous obsession? I get great pleasure from spotting a potential blip subject from the day's shots and, as more often than not I don't go far from home, it's a challenge that hones the powers of observation and encourages curiosity, not that I've ever been short of that. Then something starts to stimulate a chain of memories and associations and I have a basis for further research and elaboration.

But is it time to stop? Or at least to call a halt to the daily habit? I really don't know. The responses from visitors and subscribers, faithful or not, is rewarding and encouraging. Blippers are so generous with their comments and so willing to share thoughts, memories and humour and that's what makes blipping so very compelling. But hours are devoured in the process of appreciation and reciprocation.

Today's short walk with Casey and Guinea Pig Zero produced a couple of good blip possibilities in a woolly bear caterpillar and a trio of puffballs but I've decided instead to go with this early morning shot of teasels near the house which, unusually for me, I've rendered in monochrome. It's a divergence from my usual style and maybe a teaser for a future change of direction. Or maybe not. But thanks again to you all, you know who you are.

And please do cross your fingers for my blipper son Huw - he's in Amsterdam for an interview for a PhD position in the Chemistry department there.

* I've been reminded it was 730 (two years) - I'm a bit dyscalculic.

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