Jurassic Park

Saturday 21st October 2017 (1883)
Mum, my sister and gt-niece arrived last night. This morning we went for a walk in Temple Newsam and we were surprised to come across this creature! Actually there was a Jurassic Park event on and the park was mainly closed so our wallk was cut short, we certainly weren't paying the big entry fee. My gt-niece did have some fun in the adventure park though. 
Entertaining a 6 (I'm  early 7) yr old has been very enjoyable and very tiring. I reverted to my childhood ...
- Invented and drew cars of the future (thanks to a book provided by the hire car company.)
- Walked in Temple Newsam, played robots and went in the adventure park
- Discovered old books
- Played marbles
- Played Kerplunk
- Played Battling Tops (remember that one? Aunty Janet got it out because by then I'd reverted to my childhood and couldn't resist)
- Was chosen to read the bedtime story. 
Gosh I am exhausted from all the imaginative energy! A great day though. 


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