
I headed out at 9 in the wind and rain and muck and found another road to ride on (there aren't too many on Bute) to add a bit of extra distance to my route - 33 miles, and it was pretty brutal out there. Remnants of Ophelia, it never really got light, photo here was taken at 10am approx and it was as dark and dingy and all-round as inclement and downright filthy as it looks.

It had actually been a little less windy on the west of the island so we headed there for a really-hit-the-spot-lunch at the Ettrick Bay tea rooms and then lasted all of about 15 minutes on the beach before it started tipping down. Stocked up on provisions in Rothesay on the way home and retired to the cottage for the rest of the day for coffee, cake and Monopoly.


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