
My bike is with me on this holiday and the aim is to go out for a couple of hours each morning whilst everyone is lying-in/getting up/mooching around, etc. And then we can do all that Family Stuff together that gets done on holiday.

So,  for the first ride of the holiday I simply did a circuit of the island on the main road (I say main, but that's all relative, I saw about three cars the entire ride) and it clocked in at just under 23 miles and I was out for an hour and a half approximately.

As for the rest of the day (and this is where I might add in some detail simply for the purpose of looking back in a few months time and wondering what exactly it was that we did on our holiday) - a trip to the ruins of St Blaine's church with some film in the old Nikon SLR, a visit to the Kingarth stone circle (and a wander in the forest where I laid down inside a mushroom ring thus inviting all sorts of faerie curses upon me - 'certain doom' according to one website on folklore), a great lunch in the pub at Kingarth and then another walk at Kilchattan Bay.

All The 35mm Film Photos


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