The B-Team

I had an early start to the day due to this blooming jet lag, I was awake at 3am and then again at 5.30. I managed to nod on and off until 6.30am when I decided to get up and tackle my mountain of ironing. I didn’t get it all done, but it was better than nothing.

After breakfast we took the boys out for a walk, and at 10.30 we set off to meet Charlotte, Chris, Tamzin and Ray for lunch in Maidenhead. We were originally going to Cliveden, a National Trust property, but after yesterday’s weather, it was forecasting 25mph winds, so we decided to meet for Sunday lunch instead.

The traffic was horrendous and it took us nearly 2.5 hours to get there, but it was worth it to see Charlotte & Chris before they head ‘down under’ for the next couple of months, and it’s always lovely to see Tamzin and Ray too.

After lunch we had the obligatory group selfie and then Alan and I had to leave to get back to the boys as it’ll have been a pretty long day for them.

We’re currently on the M25, and the traffic is as heavy as it was this morning, but we’re moving so hopefully it won’t take as long to get home.

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