Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

.. A splash of colour against the drystone wall.

Today has taken a while to warm up.
I don't mean temperature-wise.
I was thinking more in an old television set way.

(When we first had a television set in our house (this was probably in the days of buying chocolate bars loose, before hygiene was invented) I recall a man (he must have been a continuity announcer?) speaking to the nation in very serious tones, with images of clouds passing behind his head.
I thought he was God.
Old televisions eh?)

The good news is that the day has warmed up.
The computer is done and dusted with whatever was keeping it from talking to me. It's now being more or less co-operative.
It's had its  nervous breakdown gardening leave and I shan't say more for risk of (whisper) upsetting it.

I'll pop off and get on with what's left of Sunday.

I shall (of course) be turning off carefully and waiting for the little white dot to disappear before partaking of a small glass of nerve-soothing red leaving the room.

Happy Sunday :-)

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