Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal


Didn’t get the best nights sleep but OK. Got up and packed away the camper before heading to Glenfiddich to try and get a parking space. Managed to get one of the last ones. Kilda was very excited to be somewhere different  and was barking while I waited for our coach to take us to Tamdu station for the start of the race. Met 4 others from the Cani sport group there. The extra is a photo of them. The ladies on either side managed to do the Tiree ultra marathon earlier this year, amazing. Had a good start to the race and felt good up to 13K. Then the legs started to go and the last 6K were very hard work, not helped by the fact they were all on a gentle climb. Turns out the race was around 1K short of a half marathon, which is disappointing, but the finish couldn’t have come sooner. A great run route all on the Speyside way and very pretty. Finished the 20.2K run in 2hrs 4:36. Slightly disappointing but still a good time for my longest ever run. We all got a goodie bag containing 4 miniatures of whisky. Unfortunately I was that tired at the end I managed to drop the bag and break the one from Glenfarclas. J went back to the organisers to explain but there were none left so he gave her another bottle of 18 year old Glenfiddich so not too upset. We decided to head back home rather than have another night in the camper and it was a good decision. Knees were very sore and I was glad of a bath when we got back. Ordered a curry in and spent the night in front of the TV .

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