Shadow .......

.. we have a garden and a bench

.... we also have a dog (Shadow)...

..... And he has a boomer ball .....

...... I have a camera and I love blip (did you guess that??)

Put them all together and whaddya get .........

Shadow, on the bench, in the garden, with his ball and I have blipped him, with my camera and posted for you to see............... I have no idea why he does this and then why he looks so innocent when I challenge him - but he does and I love the expression. This was totally SOOC - yay!!!!

I know it's the pooch again - but I couldn't resist this one!!

No more blipping until Monday morning ... it's the "wedding weekend" and I have duties to perform ..... please keep your fingers crossed for fine weather in Bradford on Saturday afternoon for the happy couple - oh and for me, too, that the photos aren't a disaster!!

See y'all next week - have a great weekend and thanks for all your comments, stars and hearts that sent my windmill 'sailing' into the spotlight yesterday - still a thrill!!!

~ Anni ~

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