Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Isn't he beautiful?

But sadly he is not my beautiful puppy! A friend came to visit this morning and she had her 4 month old puppy with her - he is absolutely gorgeous, I don't think I have ever seen a more beautiful face before. Paddy is a Spaniel/Jack Russel cross with a hint of Chihuahua! 

We have received an offer to purchase our old house and an offer to rent it and we have decided to accept the rental offer so I had to go see the Estate Agent to drop off the agreement forms. The way they are building huge new houses around us must mean the developers think the property market is about to move upwards again! Or maybe its just that finance is currently cheap for them.

Luke got back to Paris last night and today he went to Nice with one of the managers - a nice treat for the intern to be taken on a business trip for a few days. He has enjoyed his work experience there, he is working at an international property valuation company and they are in Nice to value some multi million properties. At least his French is improving as there is no English spoken at work.

Now I must go think about making dinner - isn't it boring having to think about what to cook for dinner every day?

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