Which Way?

That is the question I frequently ask PD while out walking him.
He can be very particular about where he walks and if you try going a different route he will just stand and refuse to follow.
So it is easier just to ask.

This morning it was the old route which seems to have suddenly become very dark (due to it being along tree lined paths and such and the sun being rather tardy in rising from it's slumbers).
None of the pictures I took were really sharp enough due to the lack of light, so it is nothing but shots from the afternoon walk that have been posted.
By that time the sun was out and there was no more rain which meant that the autumn colours were really coming to the fore - be that in puddles, on the bush or through the trees.
I made the mistake of stopping to get a shot of the stream and PD took that as his cue to go for a swim.
For a short haired dog he does an amazing impression of a sponge - so it was a two towel day ..... one due to the rain in the morning on one due to his swim.

Despite the two storms recently there are no trees down in the woods - which is quite amazing because they are very weak rooted and tends to die before they get to maturity (I blame the polluted soil from Edinburgh that was dumped in the area for years). This one is obviously on its way out now as well (the fungus is a pretty new addition).

For a bit of a laugh I turned the camera on to one of the pre-set styles.
I deepens te dark areas and slightly saturates the colours with was fine for the berries and added a certain something to the oak leaves (and not just the dark vignette).
The wet path became quite dramatic - even more so when I added the wall of death for PD.
I cheated with this one and combined the sky with the standard shot of the park due to the lower half being just too dark (I had the camera taking RAW & jpegs for just such an occation).

Other activities today were going to vist SMWBO's mother - who was not in!, shopping ( a new vacuum specifically designed for picking up ashes - or in my case, wood chippings and sawdust - was obtained for the disaster that is the workshop garage) and time spent sanding, sealing, re-sanding and resealing the platter (it is looking much better than the last couple of blips of it). Now it is just down to the final finish (and working out a suitable price).

SWMBO has been in bed since mid afternoon ( which means I can expect the mild weather to vanish) so I have been able to listen to the radio for a change instead of suffer the dross that passes for TV entertainment.

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