Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Lone Ranger

I was intending on getting a scenic view, as the weather was really great today, but spotted this old guy and couldn't resist.

I was off work today so I spent the morning cleaning out the pet hutches/ the usual housework. Then I went to the body blitz pump class...I am really beginning to love this class! On the way out of the gym, I bumped into my friend, Linda. She and her Dad are doing well since the death of her Mum recently. Her Dad is still staying with Linda for now as he had a burst pipe in his house and there's been lots of work being completed to put things right. Linda also told me about someone we went to school with. He has had a huge stroke at the age of 45. If he survives it will be miraculous but the future for him will not be good. Everyone is hoping that he goes peacefully so that he won't have a lifetime of suffering. We had a quick drink in the gym cafe and then I had to dash off to meet up with my Mum. We had a quick shop and then it was back home to the boys...and Rowan's friend, make teas, etc.

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