A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Wake up call

This morning, Corin and I were woken by the sounds of workmen about their business. The house across from us has (or rather had!) a huge amount of ivy climbing the house. it basically covered the entire face of the house and was home to a significant number of birds. It must have been doing some damage to the brick work and had managed to get under the roof tiles and into the guttering.

The two guys got the stuff down pretty quickly although health and safety procedures were clearly not their priority (Some of the phrases heard were ...
"it's alright mate - you'll have a soft landing if you fall - the hedge is right at the bottom" and
"can you just throw the knife up to me mate" - which the other fella did - like a machete - just threw it up onto the roof whilst the other guy stood there waiting to catch it!)

Anyway, was taking photos, trying to be inconspicuous, from our bedroom window.

Then did the nice thing and went to make them a cup of tea (not even working on our house - I can be nice sometimes!)

I love this, because although technically it shows a degree of incompetence in my composition (like I really give a stuff) it made me laugh because he looks like a little gnome on top of the lamppost!

Been to see Madagascar 2 at the cinema (some people clearly have no control over their kids - its was like a living hell with screaming kids, people talking ...ugh!) - the film was good but not as good as the first one. Worth going to see for the camp Lemur and the penguins though.

Curry for tea.

Need a little sleep ...........


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