A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal


Sunday is supposed to be a day of rest.
Not in our house.

After yesterday's trip to the cinema, James and I also managed to watch Space Chimps on DVD...which was great and has left me with this small scene in my head which made me laugh out loud

"I'm not an astronaut!!"
"Are you wearing aluminium clothing?"
Are you in a space ship?

In outer space?
Are you David Bowie?

Maybe you had to be there????

After space chimps, I made up 5 batches of Smoothie mix to freeze for this week. I don't eat enough fruit, partly because I don't like the texture of a lot of them. However, I love smoothies. So I blasted 5 bananas and a punnet of raspberries and half a punnet of 'summer fruits' last night, in the blender, with some probiotic plain yoghurt, some honey and a little milk. Then put it through the seive to get rid of the seeds and then bagged it up and froze it. In the morning, I can whack a bag of it in the blender, with some milk and whizz it up for my breakfast. at least 3 portions of fruit in each one. Crafty (thats what the pink stuff in the blue bags is in the picture).

Today, James' friend, Jamie, has been round all day, so I have been surplus to requirements, except for the cooking of a full Roast Beef dinner (MUm - Corin and I had a whole cauliflower between us - we are trying to eat veggies too!) - home made yorkshire puds, roasties and fresh gravy made with the beef stock (I do cheat by covering the beef in about 1 inch of red wine whilst its cooking - makes fabby gravy)

In between that, and loads of washing, I have marked 27 coursework folders as well.

Meanwhile, Corin has been testing paints on the walls (and has subsequently made his own 'new colour' by mixing the lilac with a massive tin of magnolia - looks quite nice actually - he's painted one wall already). He also managed to turn the coal scuttle into a water heating/storage device by creating his own heating coil out of copper pipe, wrapping it repeatedly round the chiminea's chimney and re-attaching it at the top of the scuttle! Why??? Because he can thats why (he was contemplating doing it with a water tank to store some of the heat from the chiminea.) It worked well, given that the pipe was narrow bore, but he has decided against the big water storage vessel as it will need 15mm pipe which I am assured will be 'a ballache' to wrap around the chimney!

I think he just wanted a reason to keep the fire stoked up and to stay in the summer house.

Anyway, thats it.

Tomorrow is the 3rd anniversary of my grandad dying - thats why so busy today - keeping my mind off it - still makes me very sad.

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