
Supplies for the menagerie were running out so off to Waitrose today. My shopping list was very small - the bags I loaded into the car once I'd finished many and full! I stopped at the garden centre for fish food, locusts and 2 bags of gravel to cover where the hen run had stood. I always pass the time of day with the guys who work there as I'm a customer of long standing! One asked me if I needed a hand with the heavy grit - I assured him I was fine. He was quite amazed and told me of how a huge guy in his early thirties bought 8 bags and told him to take them to his car! I told him he should have said that was beyond his job description / would cost him a tenner! 
As it was a misty, grey day I thought I'd take the scenic route home and see what Halton Quay looked like - it looked like this! I do so love this particular place - the space and little chapel give it such an air of serenity.

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