
By Madchickenwoman


Just realised I'd missed blipping this day! 
It was another breakfast at Lishe to celebrate Colourful Mai's birthday! Here she is with Vegan Jo and Compassionate Girl. Also present Homeopathic Girl and Party Girl! The Exile wasn't in a sociable mood so gave her apologies! I had already given Colourful Mai  a present some months ago. She had liked an old inhaler she had seen when with me, but it was missing a part, so I had found one on Etsy for her and given it to her before she found one herself! I found out today it was not the sort she wanted although identical to the one she had looked at! She had wanted an over the face steam inhaler! She said this was more like a Bong! She was obviously over the disappointment she must have felt when I gave it to her and everyone was highly amused I'd given her drug paraphernalia! 
It was a bit of a rushed day as I had the hens to open and my car to be taken to the garage for another clean before I met them all! On putting on the hens fence I had discovered it was flashing red - so Vegan Jo gave me a lift up the hill with Oscar once the breakfast was over. Wouldn't you believe it, it was flashing green when I got there - the second time it has happened! But I wasn't going to give it a third chance and swopped batteries anyway! 
Once again my digestive system was in turmoil from the minute I'd got up, so the rest of the day I spent quietly happy in the knowledge I had got on with what I had wanted / needed to do already!  However I got a call from The Exile asking for puppets as she had an interview for the Language School she had applied for. I eventually found the ones wanted in my Resources Room - but now it's in a complete mess! On arriving at hers I discovered The Funny Man and his wife The Nurse with their dog Lola! The Exile is going to be looking after her a week Sunday.The same weekend she is having Oscar for the day whilst my sister and I go to the Stitchfest in Totnes! Much fun had by Oscar with her until she started to mount him! She is way bigger than him! I think I will change the day we visit Stitchfest! Later The Exile gave me a lift back to the garage to pick up my shiny clean car late in the afternoon - oh I do love a clean car! Being parked on the road under trees it gets dirty very quickly and I have not been good cleaning it this last year, so I've decided it's worth paying to get it done properly and hopefully restore it's deep shine so that eventually all I will need to do is give it a soapy wash now and again and a proper polish every now and then at the garage! 

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