Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Kind eyes

When I was searching for my new horse, one of the most important criteria was kind eyes. Buddy is such a sweetheart. I clipped him for the first time today and he stood like an angel. He was so calm!

Then I took Lime out for a 30 min leg stretch. Had a terrible time with him yesterday. He got in a right state leaving Spring. I had to get someone to hold him while I got his tack on. He screamed his head off for pretty much the whole ride and arrived back on the yard drenched in sweat. But he was sound despite jogging for most of the ride. Today he was much calmer. I groomed him in the field so I only had to tack up on the yard and despite seeing his other girlfriend leaving for a ride he coped fine. We had a lovely ride. He felt good, the sun was shining and his ears were forward the whole time.

Think we're going to have to find alternative guitar lessons for Tobes. Appears the teacher double booked himself today but instead of owning up tried to take two lessons at a time in two different rooms. Toby was left struggling. I was so annoyed as he really looks forward to going. There doesn't seem to be any structure to the lessons and the teacher seems to spend more time playing than Toby. Plus we always hit rush hour traffic coming home. Took us an hour to do a 15 min journey today and the kids were starving by the time we got home. They've been really hard work today. They won't stop squabbling. Is wearing me down.

But had some very good news at lunchtime. Feel like a huge weight lifted.

Went to boot camp tonight. It was bloody hard. Was a little bit sick in my mouth :0/

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