It was one of those days where the deadlines grew shorter, the number of issues requiring decisions mushroomed, the need for papers to be drafted increased and new issues emerged from left field requiring attention.
Before I knew it the afternoon had gone and I had to dash off (not the most relevant verb with 20mph speed limits, road works and evening traffic!) to head home. My wife, son, dog and I then headed to North Berwick. It took us 20 minutes to do 3 miles even after 6pm but fortunately the road opened up and we were able to make good time.
We arrived 2 minutes before the appointed hour. My (97.5 year old) mother had prepared dinner (she insisted as is her want) for us and my brother and his sons who had arrived today to visit her - and play a few rounds of golf.
A great evening catching up on their news and careers. Then back up the road to deal with the things that could not be done before my departure. We are unlikely to see the boys until well into 2108 so it was a good opportunity.
Tomorrow looks busier!
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