El Presidente Boyd

I suppose it has a good ring to it!

After a day with the Board and several of f the team look No ahead the next 5 years I headed to Glasgow for a talk by the first Prnicipal Reporter of the Scottish Children's Reporter Administration, a position now held by Neil Hunter. The first PR is now Sheriff Alan Miller who was giving a talk to panel members In. Glasgow. there was a great turn out: Alan spoke last year and created a bit of a stir with his thoughts so anticipation was high. He did not disappoint.

If I extract 2 main messages: panel members are judges in their own way and are a tribunal (Alan argued that like all other tribunals in Scotland they should be headed up by a President rather than my current title of National Convener).

And that as judges - and other tribunals- the 3 panel members should take time to consider their decisions and reasons, if necessary retiring to consider and discuss and present the hearing's decision ( and not their individual decisions).

This runs counter to the principle of openness but Alan argued that that should not drive panel members into pressing straight into decisions no which might not have been formulated fully.

A good discussion ensued. Panel members have the power to adjourn and some do already decide to pause and take time to reflect in complex cases before delivering their decisions and reasons, without leaving the room. If that leads in appropriate complex cases to better decisions and reasons hard to argue against it. Retiring to discuss and formulating a single decision are other matters - and matters for future debate.

One of the Extras is of the debate. The other is that r a magnificent crest of Glasgow heraldry as part of the city chambers.

As is the main blip which is of an access route into the centre of the massive building.

A late train back - fortunately before the mixture of train and bus service cuts in (after 10.30) while the upgrading works are done to the lines. A slightly longer journey home but all very smooth.

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