Lupins and friends...
The Lupin season is thinking about starting up again so we thought we would celebrate that with an extravaganza of colour.
The mouse was getting restless.
Had an amazing outing in New Suzz this arvo and got all excited as we seemed to be heading to THC BUT it appears that The Boss was Barn Hunting….Thats the theme for his photo group for November. It was really interesting as he had the window open and my head was out it and it was certainly an eye opener to see the amount of huge pivot irrigation systems that have popped up in an area that we have not travelled for about a year. Water for irrigation is essentially free at the moment but it was a hot potato (I have never had a hot potato or even a cold one…) in the lead up to the election this year. NZ has a lot of it (water) and with climate change is getting over supplied in some places.
Potatoes are spuds aren’t they?
There are some spuds in a kitchen cupboard I think………..
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